60 Tips for Sleep

 Whenever we find ourselves struggling in life, whether we are feeling upset, angry, overwhelmed or underwhelmed, a good starting point is to look for what we need in that moment.

If we find ourselves often struggling, and not feeling OK in life generally, then it may be that we need to take a closer look at what our basic needs are and how well we are meeting them.

One need we all have is sleep. We've been practising since before we were even born, yet it often eludes us anyway! So many of the women I work with talk about issues with getting to sleep, staying asleep and getting back to sleep. And often even when they do manage all of that quite well, they still feel tired!

Important to note, is that Deepak Chopra says that our metabolic state in sleep is the same of that in deep relaxation, so perhaps there is no reason to stress about sleeping at all, if we can get ourselves into a state of deep relaxation.

In any case I’ve pulled together some practical tips to help you sleep or deeply relax!

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